Saturday, May 14, 2011

About Me

The Short Version:Christian. Wife. Mom to 2. Starbucks addict. Book Lover. Classically Eclectic. Slightly Strange. Mostly socialized.

The Long Version:I am a wife and mom. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Barney, since 1998. We currently live in San Diego with our two children, Trinity (June 2002) and Novalee (March 2004), along with a hyper, spunky dog named Callista.

My addictions include digital scrapbooking, reading, and starbucks coffee. I am extremely shy and quiet in person. I may smile at you but it's hard for me to start a conversation with just anyone. I'm more comfortable once I really know someone, then watch out! The goofy side of Jamie comes out but so does my heart. I get really attached to people and once I care about
them it's hard for me to stop. I'm usually easygoing and who accomodates everyone else's needs before my own. I'm the one that does what I can to maintain harmony, sometimes to my own discomfort or inconvenience.

My appearance can be deceiving. I dye my hair random colors, have my tounge pierced, dress in alot of black. Most people wouldn't think I was the normal mom at first glance. I try to be myself but since I'm still finding out who I am so that's hard. So one day I look very soccer mom and the next sorta goth, it all depends on my mood.

I have discovered books again and I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read. Buy me a amazon gift card that I can use to buy a kindle book and I'm a happy camper. Ever since I found the Twlight Series when the 4th book came out, I haven't been able to stop reading. Check out my list on the side of my blog.

I am always tired weather I actually get to sleep through the night or not. I have to take sleeping pills to even get to sleep, plus I have low thyroid which even with my meds still makes me really tired all the time. I'm so use to being tired that I'm really good at hiding it. I just do what I gotta do and I don't let it stop me from anything.

I LOVE lean pockets. They recently changed their recipe to new one and it pissed me off because they ruined lean pockets!! So wherever I see lean pockets without the new symbol on it I buy them and as many as the store has. lol Yes, I am a dork.

I'm a starbucks addict. I'm addicted to Starbucks Mocha Frappucino Lights. I have at least one a day. (Bad I know) I REALLY REALLY like sugar. It's one of my biggest downfalls when it comes to my diet. It's really hard for me to say no to candy or yummy cookies.

My life revolves around my kids. I have two amazing little girls whom I love so much! They are smart, funny, and full of life. And watch out, they do karate so they can kick butt! lol I feel truly blessed that I get to be their mom and watch them grow into amazing women I know they will become.

I love animals. Cats. Dogs. Birds. Etc. I'd probably would have a house full if my hubby would let me. But he won't so right now we just have fish and a Malti-poo named Callista. It is a little fluff ball that looks like a cotton ball with legs. hehe. She is super sweet and playful and I love her to death!

I'm a movie freak. I LOVE movies and probably own about 400. Maybe more, who knows. My kids have also caught this addiction although they are more into the kid movies of course. We have everything from Passion Of The Christ to Stardust to Enchanted.

I would love to be a night owl but no matter what time I go to bed I end up waking up early. Booo! I love staying up late and relaxing doing whatever. Mornings are evil but they always come so I usually go to bed alot earlier then I would want to because of my whole sleeping probs. I can't seem to sleep past 8am. Plus most mornings I gotta get the girls up and ready for for the day anyways!

I love my church and I love God. I go to the Church At Rancho Bernardo. Its full of amazing people, love, openness, and caring. All of which the church I grew up in didn't have, at least not for me. I was raised Mormon and half of my family is still Mormon. God is amazing.

I grew up in AZ with a big Family. I have have brothers and sisters. Three older and two younger, 3 boys and 3 girls. Most of them still live in AZ except for one who lives in Utah. We tend to visit AZ often since my family is there as well as my husband's family.

I met my wounderful husband Barney on a BBS. That is a bulitein board system, which was one of the first chat systems on the internet. We met we I was 14 and became friends. We ended up dating when I was 16. We dated for two years and then we got married when I was 18. Young I know but it was the right choice for us.


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Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.


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